7 Steps To Controlling Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes surely are a hot topic this year. They are topping so many headlines with the emergence of the very dangerous Zika virus, but let’s not forget that Zika is not the only threat that comes through the mosquito population. These insects are responsible for the spread of many nasty diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, West Nile virus, chikungunya, various forms of encephalitis, and much more. In fact, mosquito-borne illness is directly responsible for over one million deaths annually worldwide. That makes this little insect one of the deadliest around. Granted, with the awesome medical treatments available here in the United States the death toll in our country is certainly among the lowest worldwide, but it is certainly not at zero.

Now more than ever you need to be aware of the dangers that mosquitoes pose and the ways in which to prevent mosquito bites. Here are seven steps that you can take to protect you and your family from these creatures:

  1. Avoiding outdoor activities during morning and evening hours when mosquitoes are most active.
  2. Wearing light colored clothing helps because mosquitoes have poor eyesight and depend on dark silhouettes to target.

  3. Wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants whenever possible to limit the amount of exposed skin. Be aware that the material used in your clothing is important because mosquitoes are able to penetrate thin materials such as silk.

  4. Wearing closed-toed shoes and socks is important especially when walking through high-risk areas.

  5. Removing all sources of standing water in and around your property such as old tires, clogged gutters, kiddie pools and other toys, tree stumps, leaf piles and other debris, etc.

  6. Applying a good insect repellent that contains DEET, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or 20% Picaridin.

  7. Partnering with a trusted pest control expert for mosquito abatement services.

If you live in South Florida and want to reduce your risks from mosquitoes and the diseases they carry, give the mosquito experts here at Hoffer Pest Solutions a call. Our certified specialists can offer you a one-time abatement service to help control mosquito populations on your property for that special event, seasonal abatement services to keep mosquitoes at bay for their active season, monthly abatement services to keep control of mosquitoes year-round, or our six pack treatment service which allows you the flexibility of having coupons on file for six treatments whenever you deem necessary (with a 48 hour notice) at our special six-pack rate.

No matter which mosquito abatement package works best for you, you can be sure that each one comes with the most advanced technologies and products available, highly trained and educated professionals, more than 40 years of proven success, and our commitment to excellence.

Help take the sting out of mosquito bites today with help from the trusted mosquito abatement team here at Hoffer Pest Solutions.

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